Rebekah Radice and Josh Parkinson of Post Planner invited me to chat with them about “How to Use Storytelling in Your Social Media Marketing”.  As you can imagine, it took me all of 2 seconds to ACCEPT!

We discussed a current book I am reading (Firms of Endearment) and then went for a deep dive into what storytelling is all about, how to do it, where to share stories, and so much more.  Want a teaser to the chat?  I thought so…

Knowing who you are…

what you love…

why you are here…

and who you are meant to serve is KEY to storytelling success.


Before you start sharing – START by defining your Core Four:

  1. Core Values – These are your compass.  These 11 words reflect what is important to you… and what motivates you!
  2. Passions (aka your soul tank fuel) – These are the activities that fill you up and leave you more energized than when you started.
  3. Purpose – I love referring to this as your tribal talent.  This is THE THING that others come to you for, that attracts them to you, and that you could do all day, every day and never get tired of it!  For some it is teaching, inspiring, or making people laugh.  Are you the teacher? The preacher? The Joker? The ___________? Hmmm…..
  4. Niche – Take the first three and design a unique niche statement.  This will help you focus in on who your ideal clients are, what their key problem is that YOU WANT to solve and your unique way of doing it.  (Hint: How do you want them to feel during and after working with you?)


Defining your CORE FOUR also guides:Book-Cover-3D

  1. WHO you follow – online and off
  2. WHAT your read – books, blogs
  3. WHERE you post – focus on where your IDEAL clients/connections are…
  4. WHICH WORDS you use (hashtags, keywords)

Let me know, in the comments below, what your favorite tip was… and be sure to share YOURS!

Ready to FIRE UP?
Purchase your copy by clicking on the book image!


We all need help telling our stories online and PostPlanner can help:

How to Create Visual Content for Maximum Social Impact - PostPlannerAre you struggling to stand out in the Facebook news feed?

  1. Join the PostPlanner Ultimate Facebook Challenge: 30 Days To A Thriving Page
  2. GET VISUAL! Grab a copy of our FREE ebook to create stunning social media graphics!

Sign up and download your ebook here:



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