This message is packed with sass and moxie as we dive into embracing your unique talents and superpowers.

Podcast Transcript:
This Fire Up podcast message is packed with sass and moxie as we dive into embracing your unique talents and superpowers.


I believe one of the key ingredients of a magnificently magnetic personal brand includes embracing the true, unique essence of YOU. Those wild, random, amazing talents and superpowers you may or may not be sharing with others on a daily basis.


If you desire to build a successful business and life you love – you must recognize and define those attributes and talents that are uniquely YOU. When you boldly embrace who you are meant to be, and declare what fires you up, you attract the right relationships, clients, and business partners.  Sounds pretty simple, right?


So, what makes you unique?  List it all out…


Not quite sure? Start by asking yourself a few questions:
1. What (talent, skill, magic) am I know for in my sphere?

2. What do people always come to me for when they are in need?

3. What activity or task do I LOVE and could do blindfolded, in my sleep, with one hand tied behind my back?  (you get the idea!)

Some of my favorites shared and discovered throughout the years:  Toddler Whisperer (awesome!), Chocolate Chip Cookie Baker, Encourager, Wicked Organizer, Queen of Comforting, and Creative Spark!
As you can see, your unique talents and superpowers come in many forms!


Maybe yours is like mine – the truth seeing and teller… the ideastormer who helps others find clarity in their chaos.


Whatever your unique talents are – they are YOURS.  They are not unique on their own – YOU make them unique with your signature sass… you change the world with yours by sharing these talents with those you are meant to serve and do life with… they are looking for YOU and how YOU sprinkle your superpower.


In a nutshell, you’ll know something fits the category when it fires you up and fills your soultank, when you’re enjoying the process, and/or when you would do whatever it is for FREE (or PAY to do it)!


Okay, now that you have defined yours, ask yourself:
“Am I truly tapping into and leveraging what makes me unique?”
What I mean by this is–> Do your work or hobbies TRULY TAP INTO your talents?
Why does this matter?


Simply put – you can build up knowledge and fill the gaps around your weakest areas to get a promo… however, working, owning, and rocking out to your super talents and powers will take you as far as you wish to go – and beyond what you could have ever dreamed or imagined!

It is pretty easy to guess which one most of us would choose.

Are you ready to get REAL with your superhero self, rock out your defined niche, and achieve your full potential?

Repeat after me:

I am fully equipped to achieve anything I envision when I allow my true superpowers to SHINE… 

(Cape not required to participate in this mantra, but one is absolutely encouraged.)

Alright, now repeat it again.

This time stand up and stretch your arms and hands above your head.

Go on, I will wait.

Great job.  You KNOW that felt amazing.

Note: If you didn’t try it standing up “with your hands in the air like you just don’t care”… you only cheated yourself.   The rest of us have HUGE smiles on our faces… (Of course, if you are DRIVING, you can always come back and join in the fun when you are at your destination!)

We all have our own Wonder Woman or Iron Man powers inside us…  Stop hiding yours.

If you have a freak flag – FLY IT HIGH.

Don’t make yourself small so others feel better.

The world deserves your brand of SUPERPOWER sass, style, and spunk!

As always, thank you for joining me today.

Until next time… Remember to look for and embrace those Fire Up opportunities to engage, elevate, and empower your world.