Wow! It is the final #Soultank Saturday of the year!

Are you ready to open, ignite, and nurture your mind, heart, and soul? 

Grab your favorite beverage and let’s do this.

Lionesses – we are saying goodbye to another year and the end of a divine decade.

As a GenX’er – this was the decade I said farewell to my 30’s and welcomed my 40’s with open arms. The last ten years have been filled with divine successes, new friendships, and lots of laughter, failures – some with tears and others with smiles… Oh – there were the letting go moments and losses.  Some I chose, others that broke my heart… I redefined and in a way – closed the chapter on what I thought motherhood would look for me,  I opened my own business and celebrated 7 years this year. All in all – this past decade has been so good to me. 

Lionesses, we are also getting ready to enter our very own ROARING 20’s! You know how much I love saying that, don’t you!?! I have been doing research on the 20’s and will be sharing more about that in future shows..

What I want to focus on today is what is happening right now for so many of us. There is so much talk about goals, goal setting, and getting your hustle on for the weeks and months ahead. These topics are taking over my feed and inbox… and even some cocktail hours. During our time together, I don’t want to talk about how I SET goals… rather I hope to encourage you with three of my favorite tips/truths to support you on your journey to achieving your goals. I want 2020 to be as smooth as possible and successful – in your very own way. 

If we have been connected for a while, you know I love giving bonuses and goodies throughout the year and the holidays are no different. So, stick around until the end for a free gift and a roaring deal on a guide that will help engage, elevate, and empower yourself in 2020!

Okay, let’s get this party started!


#1: Surround Yourself With Supportive Lionesses


You’ve heard it before – from me and many, many others – who you surround yourself with directly impacts your success and happiness.

Now, it’s time to get real. There are people in your world who will resent your fresh goals to start living healthier, build or grow your own brokerage, secure a new certification or broker’s license… you get the idea. Most of the time this is way more about how they feel about themselves, not you. Regardless, beware – these energy and vision vampires and their negative thoughts could sabotage your success. The solution, choose (who you share your time with) wisely.

Who are the people you want to support in the year ahead? 

Start by writing or reviewing the list of people you with whom you want to build deeper connections. Add in others you may want to support in the year ahead. Now, make sure you are following them on social media. Review and authentically like, comment and share the posts that resonate with you. Make it a priority to connect with them – at least once a month.

Prioritize supporting them and celebrating their successes along the way. 

Don’t forget to ask for what you need from them, too. Be specific. Don’t expect others to read your mind.

Want to learn more about empowering your lioness pride sisters? Listen in to this podcast episode:


#2: Give Yourself Grace


When you define and write out your goals down, you have the best of intentions.  You set out to “make it happen” and as perfectly as possible. We all know that it does not always work out.

Remember to give yourself grace if you have lost track of a goal. It takes time, commitment and determination – and sometimes we fall short. 

First, celebrate the fact that you actually wrote your goals down. You are already 42% more likely to achieve your goals when you write them down. Take a moment to do a happy dance – really shake off the shame – and then get up the next morning with passion and conviction to move FORWARD. 


#3: Embrace Gratitude


When you slow down to think about it, most goals are about seeking, reaching, stretching, and building towards something different than you already have. Maybe you are ready to make more money, build deeper relationships, or have your sights set on a bigger or smaller home. 

Simply put, each goal you write is inspired by a desire to change.

The biggest gift I believe you can give yourself is to be content and grateful for what you have while you are working towards your goals, dreams, and visions. This will take focus, intention, and tenacity.

Consider creating a gratitude ritual in your life, whether it is a Gratitude Jar, a daily journal, or sprinkling gratitude challenges throughout the year! The download I shared in November will help you put this into practice.


I have a couple of resources to help you:

First is my 2020 Fire Up Your Goals Guide

It has  11 Goal-Refining Steps To HELP YOU DESIGN Your Best Year Yet!

  • If you are trying to figure out if you have the RIGHT goals set for this year – this guide is for you.
  • If you are tired of not achieving your goals year after year and ready to shake up your goal setting –  – this guide is for you.
  • If you are ready to shake up how you formulate, improve, reinforce, and elevate your goals … whether you have already chosen yours or not – this 44-page guide will help you.


Enjoy my gift of 50% off with the code goals2020!


Design Your Moxie Life Commitments

Grab your free download here:

These two exercises have helped me intentionally sprinkle in fun, learning, and focus for the last 11+ years. 

The “My Moxie Life Commitments” worksheet will help you vision cast the new things you want to add into your life over the next 12 months. You will see everything from a new skill to those people you want to connect with and support more often. Those Lionesses!

The second worksheet set is designed to help you choose and bring your WORD for the year to life! It is no secret that I love using acronyms, so infusing this into my process made perfect sense. Once you have your word, this process helps you create a short sentence for each letter to support the overall feelings the word represents to you.  It is simple and so incredibly effective.



 As you bid 2019 farewell, remember – remember, I am here if you need a shot of sass, moxie and fire in your ear. If you have decided 2020 is the year you want to take it to 11… shoot me a note and let’s get a chat booked.  


Lioness, I am praying you enjoy living your best life out loud, on purpose and on your own terms. As always – keep your eyes open for moments you can engage, elevate, and empower your world.