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Moxie Chat: Nikki Langman * Gritty. Brave. Authentic. - Debra Trappen
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Moxie Chat: Nikki Langman * Gritty. Brave. Authentic.

Today’s #MoxieChat guest is Nikki Langman.


Nikki Langman is a Speaker, Author, Facilitator, and Emotional Intelligence and Self-Mastery Expert.

With more than ten years of experience as a speaker, facilitator, and coach, Nikki is a go-to expert for enhancing personal effectiveness, understanding behaviour, transforming leadership and communicating for maximum impact and influence.

Nikki has led successful emotional intelligence programs for many global companies with exceptional results in executive and team leadership, personal empowerment, culture shift, conflict resolution, and workplace safety.

Nikki is often called on to speak at industry events and conferences on the topics of self-mastery, resilience and overcoming adversity, emotional intelligence, communication, and leadership.

Nikki is an Accredited Practitioner of Genos Emotional Intelligence Programs, DISC ADVANCED® Profile System, and LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methodology. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Business from the University of California, Irvine.

She is also a competitive endurance runner and author of the book: How to be a BADASS: Navigating Your Road to Self-Mastery.


140 on IG:

Speaker, author, emotional intelligence specialist, endurance runner, Kyokushin karateka, badass.

Link: BADASS Book:


Without further ado, here’s Nikki.


MoxieChat Highlights


1. How do you define SUCCESS?

Here is an excerpt from the Conclusion of her book, How to be a BADASS:

“Success is not owning multiple properties, collecting degrees from the most prestigious schools, or seasoning your resume with high-powered corporate positions. Those things might help you feel successful, but true success comes when we have maximized every opportunity to love – ourselves, the people we hold dear, and the world we live in. Success comes when we recognize our brilliance, embrace our potential, and confidently stand in our true power.”


2. Share the THREE WORDS that describe you BEST and why!

1: GRITTY: I do not give up on myself, period. I take meaningful and purposeful action toward my goals and embrace determination to be a person of commitment, persistence, and endurance.

2: BRAVE: I embrace risk. It is in overcoming our fears, great and small, that fills our tank with confidence – and confidence knows no limits. I allow myself to be brave enough to make mistakes, look silly, fail, risk disapproval, or be rejected.

3: AUTHENTIC: My thinking, my values, my words, and my actions are in alignment and consistent. I challenge myself to explore what is important to me, how I want to show up, and how I want to influence those around me.


3. What are your favorite soultank-filling activities?

Running. I took up running in my 40s to help manage stress and unhelpful emotions. Running is one of my favorite ways to unplug and reconnect with my authentic self. Investing in my passion for running refills my #soultank and sets the tone for the amount of time and energy I give to my business, family, and other relationships.

4. What does MOXIE mean to you?

I LOVE the word Moxie – and its sister word, “Grit”.

My book, How to be a BADASS: Navigating Your Road to Self-Mastery is jam-packed with moxie and how to continually develop it.

5. What is ONE WORD guiding you right now?

BRAVE is my word for 2021. It’s the first letter of my BADASS acronym (B=Brave, A=Authentic, D=Direction, A=Action, S=Self-Love, and S=Self Talk) and it’s a requirement for self-development.


Bravery demands action. It accepts risk and proceeds in spite of fear. Fear keeps us limited and stagnant; bravery moves us forward. I am choosing to empower myself and move forward by taking brave steps every day.

6. Final Words? Anything you want to highlight?

YES! My first book, “How to be a BADASS: Navigating Your Road to Self-Mastery” has just been published: (soon to be available from Amazon, but my website is the place to go right now).

I would love to share some of my insights with your listeners, especially around self-leadership and why we must inspire ourselves first before we can inspire others.

Back Cover Blurb:

For over 30 years, Nikki Langman was ensnared in the forceful grip of drug and alcohol addiction. Despite many attempts to regain control of her life, she secretly believed that her destiny was to become a casualty of the disease; her legacy nothing more than a statistic.

Written with candor, humor, and unparalleled authenticity, Nikki gives the reader a powerfully moving and rare insight into the mind of a person struggling with addiction and the destruction that inevitably comes with it.

Equally captivating is Nikki’s inspiring and transformational journey of how she freed herself from her own prison and soared to unimaginable heights by using her BADASS framework and the fundamentals of self-mastery and emotional intelligence.

Brimming with entertaining stories and actionable ideas, this book demonstrates how you can apply the BADASS principles in your personal and professional life every day to:

  • Get consistent results
  • Increase your courage and confidence
  • Deepen your authenticity
  • Take more purposeful action
  • Lead more effectively
  • Manifest love and respect for yourself at all times

Engaging and galvanizing, How to be a BADASS is the book you need to remove the obstacles that are blocking your path and give yourself permission to accelerate into your most powerful self.


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